
If you’d like to sign up for a group or get connected, please fill out a Connect Card and someone from our Connections Ministry will be in touch!

Text 'Connect' to 833-526-8012

or Scan the QR code above

Groups are currently on hold until we are settled into our new building. Please still reach out to our Connect Team by texting 833-526-8012 if you would like to be placed on an interest list!

Grief Share

Saturday at 10:00am

Grief Share

Led by Shawna Crain - at Northwood

This group is welcoming to anyone who's experienced loss, is looking to be supported or to support others, is desiring a safe place to share or listen, we invite you to join us wherever you are in your journey.

Helping Hands

Times Vary

Volunteer Team

Led by Dan Crain

We partner together to support our Northwood family - from house repairs, wheelchair ramps, yard work or fence maintenance, our goal is to provide the knowledge, tools and labor for those in need.

Life Group

Northwood Nomads Camping Group

Camping Group

Led by Loren Corner - at Various Campgrounds

All are welcome to join this outdoor inspired camping group. Reservations are made at state and national parks, gathering for the last weeks of the months June-September. Find out what the 2025 Summer looks like and get your reservations soon!

Sermon Discussion

Women's Group - Tuesdays at 6:30pm

Women's Sermon Discussion

Led by Jeri Kunerth - on Zoom

Enjoy thoughtful discussion around the weekly sermon, diving deeper into the sermon points and scripture references. Sermon Discussion guides are written by the Pastor and available for anyone to use for further reflection.

Care Support Group

1st Friday at 11:00am

Care Support Group

Led by Karen LaFleur - at Northwood

We are here to help support those who are dealing with the challenging task of caregiving for a loved one. Whether it’s dementia, cancer, old age or any type of health issue. This is a safe place to share, listen, encourage, and pray with others who are walking through similar situations.

Craft Group

Women's Craft Group - Every Other Wednesday at 11:00am

Women's Craft Group

Led by Heidi Lindsey - At Northwood

Bring your project and enjoy Christ centered fellowship while working on your craft of choice. This group of grounded, encouraging women will fill your cup, we'd love to welcome you!

Fellowship and Support Group

Mature Single Women's Group

Women's Support Group

This group is in the formation stage, please reach out to Riley Bell to be informed and included as details come together. We hope to provide support and fellowship for women soon!

Sermon Discussion

Women's Group - Tuesday at 10:00am

Mature Women's Sermon Discussion

Led by Nancy Russell - at Northwood

Enjoy thoughtful discussion around the weekly sermon, diving deeper into the sermon points and scripture references. Sermon Discussion guides are written by the Pastor and available for anyone to use for further reflection.

Prayer Group

Monday at 6:30pm

Prayer Group

Led by John Schmidt
Fellowship, Prayer, Sermon Discussion
Weekly sharing of life and prayer flowed by sermon discussion. We have several in-person gatherings during the year. Ideal for those who wish to connect from the comfort of their homes.

Walking Group

Women's Walking Group - 2nd and 4th Monday's at 9:00am

Women's Walking Group

Led by Darlene Wood - Various Locations

Moderate level hiking and walking around the Springfield and Eugene trails - from Thurston Hills and West Amazon to the river path, this group of women enjoy the outdoors, Christ centered fellowship and exercise.

Sermon Discussion

Thursday at 10:00am

Sermon Discussion

Led by Karen & Al Wilson - Thurston Home Group

Enjoy thoughtful discussion around the weekly sermon, diving deeper into the sermon points and scripture references. Sermon Discussion guides are written by the Pastor and available for anyone to use for further reflection.

Men's Social Group

Young Professionals
Ages 24-34

Men's Social Group

We're a group of guys that are pursuing Christ centered friendships and spiritual growth. We're finishing up our degrees, starting our careers, finding our life partners and enjoying the great outdoors- We'd love to meet you!

Women of Prayer & Praise

Women's Group

Women's Prayer & Praise Group

Led by Vicky Woerlee - At Northwood

Gather to pray and worship together in the Spirit, walk with each other, our church, our community and our World through the power of prayer.

Sunday Classes

Adult Bible Class

Parables of Jesus - Sunday's at 9:30am

Adult Bible Class

Led by Walt Cissel - At Northwood

All are welcome in this bible study discussion group, reading through the parables of Jesus and diving into the meaning behind the stories.

Wednesday Classes

Adult Bible Class

Wednesday at 3:30pm - Northwood

Adult Bible Class

Led by Gary Wolgamott - At Northwood

All are welcome in this Bible class, studying 1st, 2nd and 3rd John of the New Testament.
Mommy and Me
Monday - 2nd and 4th
Jessie Duncan & Michelle Wright
Sermon Discussion Group
Home Group - Springfield
Dan Crain
Prayer Group
John Schmidt
Bible Study and Breakfast - Parables of Jesus
Walt Cissel
Women's Bible Study
Janet Smith
Women's Sermon Discussion
Jeri Kunerth
Women's Craft Group
Wednesday - Every Other
Heidi Lindsey
Bible Study: Gospel of John
Merrill Burge
Men's Group: The Invisible War by Rick Warren
Ray White
Women's Group: 1 Corinthians by N.T. Wright
Pat Cummings
Sermon Discussion Group
Home Group - Thurston
Al and Karen Wilson
Alpha Team
Grief Share
Saturday - 2nd and 4th
Dan & Shawna Crain
Bible Study - Colossians
Ralph Matteson
Good Boundaries & Goodbyes
Pam Hight
Your First Identidy
Melisa Berry
Girls for God: High School Girls Bible Study
Paige Stiles & Kirsten Slocum

More Group Options

Care Support Group

The Care Team is in place to support those who are in the role as a caregiver for their loved ones. Contact Riley to learn more and become a part of this loving community.

Dinners for 6

Join a group with your spouse and 2 other couples, or you and 5 other individuals, and make new friends, build connections and share a great meal together. Contact Marcia for more information and to sign up!

Food, Fun & Fellowship

Join the Northwood family on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 11:30am for potluck and card games. Bring a dish to share and enjoy fellowship with friends from Northwood!

Mommy & Me

If you have kids and want to connect with other moms in the same phase of life as you, then join Mommy & Me, you can even bring your kids. Morgan Miller organizes the gatherings, but contact Riley for more info, times and dates.

Northwood Nomads

Calling all campers! If you have a RV or trailer and love to get away for a while, this group might be the perfect fit for you! Loren & Diana Corner organize camping trips during the Summer Months for anyone interested in camping as a Northwood family!

Walking Group

Monday’s at 9am, there is an opportunity to walk various trails and locations at a moderate level, while connecting and sharing life with others .